47-year-old pedo’s day goes downhill fast after he’s busted trying to meet up with 15-year-old

Alex K. busted by ACE trying to meet 15-yr-old
Suspected pedo, Alex K. is confronted by an ACE operative on episode #89 of the ACE Alliance Against Childhood Exploitation Exposure series on YouTube.

Why don’t you take a seat… If you were a fan of the early 2000’s undercover news program, To Catch a Predator and have nothing in your heart but hate for human scum who prey on children, you should checkout the good work the people over at the ACE Alliance Against Childhood Exploitation are doing. Picking up where Chris Hansen left off, this organization is exposing creeps who engage young children in sexually explicit conversation online, in hopes of meeting them IRL for sex. F#@k those guys.

Cheers to the ACE team! Watch all their videos.

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