KAMAUU’s sound is refreshing, while also familiar. It’s a throwback to classic Funk, Soul, R&B, without the Pop that’s infused with most of today’s music. MANGO, produced by Nightshade, is the perfect vehicle for his sound. Here, KAMAUU tag teams with Adeline, creating a harmony that would fool most into thinking they are a musical duo. While MANGO, produced by Nightshade, is a rhythmic, if unconventional love song, it’s also a dope call out to music itself. From the slow pulse of the drums, to the electric guitar riffs, to the perfectly times horn, MANGO plays like a new classic from another era.

Song: “MANGO”
Artist: KAMAUU, Adeline
Producer: Nightshade
Video: Invisible Firm
Downoad: https://kamauu.lnk.to/Mango
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