Five years to the day that her 12-year-old son was shot down by a police officer in Cleveland as he played with a toy gun, his mother, Samaria Rice, publishes a safety manual that instructs young people on how to interact with police officers.

Ms. Rice teamed up with the ACLU to create the book, Tamir Rice Safety Handbook. The organization took to their Facebook account posting, “For the 5th anniversary of Tamir Rice’s tragic death, his mother Samaria approached our organization to create a safety handbook for youth. Even when you do everything right, things can still go wrong. These tips can help you protect yourself.”
The 8-page handbook was created in the hopes that it will be used as a set of instructions on how to safely interact with police officers, and stop the shooting of innocent African American children. The book’s official release was presented at an event held by the Tamir Rice Foundation in honor of his memory.
You can download a copy of the Tamir Rice Safety Handbook on the ACLU Ohio website.