In support of the confederate flag, Trump goes on twitter tirade against NASCAR and Bubba Wallace

Bubba Wallace
Loudon, N.H.: Bubba Wallace during practice at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway, July 20, 2019.
Donald Trump
Orlando, FL: President Donald Trump attends a re-election rally at the Amway Center, June 18, 2019. AP Photo/Evan Vucci
Since nothing else has been working for Donald Trump of late in his push invigorate his re-election campaign – he’s losing to Joe Biden by huge numbers in nearly every national poll, he decided to turn to what he knows best: race-baiting.

In an attempt to excite his base, Trump attacked NASCAR and driver Bubba Wallace Monday morning on Twitter.

Trump insisted Wallace needed to apologies after he claimed a noose was left in his garage. After an FBI investigation, it was discovered that the noose had been used as a pull rope in the garage since late last year. Wallace, who’s bi-racial, was assigned to that garage in June, when he noticed the rope end fashioned to a noose. The discovery of the rope happened shortly after Wallace put “Black Lives Matter” signage on his car.

Bubba Wallace, BLM car
Martinsville, VA: NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace stands near his car, with “Black Lives Matter” wrap at Martinsville Speedway, Jun 10, 2020. Credit: Steve Helber/Pool Photo via USA TODAY Network

Divider-in-Chief Trump didn’t stop there. He also questioned NASCAR’s decision to ban the confederate flag from it’s events.

Has @BubbaWallace apologized to all of those great NASCAR drivers & officials who came to his aid, stood by his side, & were willing to sacrifice everything for him, only to find out that the whole thing was just another HOAX? That & Flag decision has caused lowest ratings EVER!

NASCAR’s removed the confederate flag from official events many years old, but following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, there have renewed attention to racial inequality, intimidation, and aggression. NASCAR took the opportunity to ban the flag from it’s events and property.

Trump’s little rant against Wallace didn’t come without backlash. Fellow driver Tyler Reddick also defended Wallace, “We don’t need an apology. We did what was right and we will do just fine without your support.”

NASCAR noose
Talladega, FL: Pull rope fashioned with noose found in garage used by Bubba Wallace.
Senator Lindesy Graham, one of Trump’s biggest cheerleaders, called him out during a Fox News Radio interview, “I don’t think Bubba Wallace has anything to apologize for. You saw the best in NASCAR. They all rallied to Bubba’s side. I would be looking to celebrate that kind of attitude rather than being worried it’s a hoax.”

“[NASCAR] is trying to grow the sport. And I’ve lived in South Carolina all my life and if you’re in business, the Confederate flag is not a good way to grow your business.”

That’s great! But don’t clap Lindsey on the back yet. The senator’s newly found courage to stand up to Trump might have more to do with the possibility of losing his own senate seat, and less with any real introspective re-consideration of Trump’s moral failings.

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