Mattingly’s lawyer said the officer wants to get paid for damages related to medical treatment, trauma, physical pain, and mental anguish he experienced the night of Ms. Taylor death.
Walker’s attorney, Steve Romines, says the claims in the lawsuit are baseless, “This is the latest in a cycle of police aggression, deflection of responsibility and obstruction of the facts in what is an obvious cover-up,” Mr. Romines said. “If Kenny can be sued for defending himself, make no mistake, all lawful gun owners’ rights are at risk. And that should scare everyone.”
On the night of Taylor’s death, police were serving a no-knock warrant at her apartment. Taylor and Walker were in the apartment asleep at the time. Awaken by the commotion; Walker claims he thought someone some breaking into the home. He reached for his registered handgun and fired a shot, allegedly striking an officer.
Police in turn returned fire, with at least three officers firing several shots. Taylor was hit multiple times and died at the scene. Walker was arrested, but charges were later dropped. It remains unclear if the shot that hit the officer was fired from Walker’s gun.

Last month Mattingly gave an interview to Good Morning America‘s Michael Strahan in which he concluded that Taylor would be alive today if they were able to serve her the no-knock warrant.
The amount Mattingly is seeking in the suit was not announced.