According to DMX, his mentor, Ready Ron, who was in his 30s at the time, past him what he thought was a weed blunt after they had committed a robbery. DMX said up to that point he had never used any kind of drug. Soon after he found out the blunt was laced with crack.
“Me and my mans we did a robbery one night and it was his birthday and we came back and we splitting the money up and I say ‘here take this, get something nice for your birthday’ you know, or whatever. So he came back with a blunt rolled up. And as I’m counting the money he lights the blunt and goes ‘I was impressed’, and I don’t really smoke, and he passes the blunt and umm. Wow…”, DMX says as he fights back tears.
“I hit the blunt and I’m like, I was no longer focused on the money. I never felt like this, it just fucked me up. I later found out he laced the blunt with crack.”, an emotional DMX says. “Why would you do that to a child? This n—‘s like 30, know what I’m saying. And he knew how I looked up to him. He knew how I looked up to him, know what I’m saying.”
“Why would you do that to somebody who looks up to you, know what I mean?.. A monster was born… I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”
DMX put the experience to paper, rapping about it on the song “Pain”,
I smoked crack at 14 for the first time/
Given to me by a nigga that I idolized/
My love is real but after that what I saw in his eyes/
Was a snake and who I loved was just a disguise.
DMX, real name Earl Simmons, will turn 50 this December. He has had a long battle with drug addiction, leading to multiple run-ins with the law and time in prison. His drug use has also impacted his relationship with his children and ex-wife, Tashera Simmons, as chronicled in the reality series, DMX: Soul of a Man.
Sounds like something more sinister happened between 14 yr old DMX & this old ass 30 yr old mentor. He probably took advantage of DMX in this fragile state. Listening to this just broke me… RIP!