Azalea Banks is done with music, quits in Azalea Banks fashion

Azalea Banks
Azalea Banks
Azalea Banks
Oh, Azalea Banks, the music world would like to thank you for your contribution to the culture whether we are talking about your crazy antics, curious fashion sense, futuristic music, or the occasional tirade. Banks has been in the game for a little under a decade and hasn’t wasted any of her time making a name for herself.

While her music is what she probably would like to be known most for, music fans are probably more familiar with her cryptic and random tweets, and beefs with various celebrities. Banks took to her Instagram story to announce her retirement from the music business.

She wrote, ”I find myself acknowledging/looking at shit I’m leagues above and it really is such a setback. I truly honestly could not give a fuck about any of the people you ask me to collab with.” She then goes on to compare herself to a giant that needs cakes and pies, but faults mice for picking up the crumbs.

Azalea Banks retires via Instagram

And essentially says she needs to remain above those that aren’t in her league. She then let her followers know that the constant request for her to collaborate with mice is too much for her to take any longer and left it at that.

So is Miss Banks truly out of the game or is this just another rant? I guess we shall wait and see!

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