Former Assistant Sues Wayans Brothers for Plagiarism, Theft

Keenen, Shawn and Marlon Wayans on the set of 2004’s White Chicks.

Keenen, Shawn and Marlon Wayans are headed to court. On Thursday (Dec. 17) their former assistant Jared Edwards filed suit in Manhattan federal court alleging the brothers stole his book idea.

In his lawsuit Edwards claims that in 2005 he gave the trio a copy of his self-published book, “You know you’re a Golddigger…,” but the Wayans turned it down. Edwards claims that in May of this year he learned that the brothers struck a deal with St. Martin’s Press to publish their own book: “101 Ways to Know You’re a Golddigger.”

In addition to the Wayans, Edwards also lists St. Martin’s press defendant in the lawsuit. He is seeking unspecified damages.

  1. Did they.. i never saw it before.. I saw the documentary when they dropped it in the BX too.. crazy shit..

    pieces of a man.. with the good comes the bad.

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