Haddish announced she and Common have quarantined together since the pandemic started back in April and according to the comedian, she has never been happier, “This is hands down the best relationship I’ve ever been in. I’ve lost 20 pounds since I’ve been in this relationship. I feel more confident in me and it’s not him that’s doing it,” she continued. “I’m just way happier and it’s, like, knowing that I got somebody that cares about me, that really has my back. It seems like he does anyways, and I love it. I love him.”
Haddish said this is the first time she has ever dated a celebrity and that Common has been nothing but loving and supportive of her. The pair met on a movie set, became friends, got closer and have been together since then.
Both Haddish and Common’s dating histories have been well documented. Common dated tennis champ Serena Williams for several years, and Haddish has been known as a bit of a flirt, a few years ago she hit on Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio at a party, asking him if he would sleep with her.
That bold approach didn’t work, but it seems like refined her game since then.