Any one of the over three million people who follow Jada Pinkett Smith on Facebook will tell you that there are not too many territories that the actress, director and mom will not delve into on her page. From issues concerning women’s rights and social injustice, to an open letter to critics of her daughter Willow’s hair, it seems, nothing is off limits. Her posts are usually very insightful and are shared thousands of times by fans who enjoy reading about her experiences with life and love.

Today, Jada opened up about her take on infidelity issues in a relationship in a lengthy post that garnered mixed responses from her followers, who ultimately, seem to applaud her open-mindedness and very mature approach to dealing with infidelity. And although her views seem somewhat “new age” if you will, she makes a disclaimer at the beginning of the post to clarify that what she writes is not to be applied to situations where one of the partners is a habitual cheater. In Jada’s words, “that is a different matter.”
Jada goes on to say that although she has her opinion, the decision to stay with a partner who has cheated is a “very personal choice, and there is no right or wrong answer”. She closes her post by stating that once infidelity is introduced into a relationship, “this is where love gets real and true and illuminates what you are made of as a couple and as individuals.”