Meek Mill, Michael Rubin help free Maurice Hudson, sent to prison for unpaid court fees

Michael Rubin with Meek Mill

Meek Mill and his REFORM Alliance recently helped free a father of three who was sentenced to one and a half to three years in jail on a probation violation. How did he violate his probation? He wasn’t able to pay court fees.

Judge Genece Brinkley sent 29-year-old Maurice Hudson up the river for his inability to pay $1,941 in outstanding probation fines. At the time, Hudson was working as a janitor, making a meager $150/week. A fact Judge Brinkley chose to ignore.

Meek and REFORM Alliance partner Michael Rubin heard about Hudson’s circumstances and took action. Judge Brinkley is the same judge that revoked Meek’s probation for the major criminal offense of doing wheelies in the street. Meek was thrown in prison and his case dragged on for years before the the Philadelphia Supreme Court stepped and vacated his conviction this past July.

Meek has friends like Rubin, Robert Kraft, and Jay-Z to thank. Hudson, however, wasn’t so lucky, at least not until his plot caught the attention of Meek and the REFORM Alliance. The group helped get Hudson’s case heard by the The Philadelphia Supreme Court. It was reviewed and the court decided that Judge Brinkley’s ruling was “Egregious Error”, and not only out of line, but also unfair and they overturned it. REFORM Alliance took it a step further, paying off the remainder of Hudson’s court fees.

Meek went as far as to donate clothing and food for Hudson and his family until they got back on their feet. And it didn’t hurt that he was a VIP guest at the Sixers game Saturday evening!

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