New York Times: R. Kelly paid off Illinois official for fake ID to marry 15-year-old Aaliyah

R. Kelly in a promo image with Aaliyah
R. Kelly in a promo image with Aaliyah
R. Kelly/Aaliyah
The curious case of R. Kelly gets more gross each day. The latest news just adds to the long list of the signers inappropriate attraction to minors.

New information has come out that Kelly paid an Illinois government official to make a fake ID for then 15-year-old singer Aaliyah so he could marry her.

Until now, there hadn’t been any real confirmation of the teenager’s marriage to the much older singer.

According to the New York Times: The new allegation expands on an existing racketeering indictment filed in New York against Mr. Kelly that accuses him of sexually exploiting underage girls and coercing them into illegal sexual activity.

This year, Kelly, 52, has been criminally charged in several jurisdictions on allegations that he sexually abused minors.

Kelly has spent these last few months avoiding a trial by not going to court. Last time Kelly was ordered to come to court, he claimed he had a foot ailment.

In an interview with Good Morning America, Kelly’s lawyer claims the singer had no idea that Aaliyah was 15 when he married her. The marriage was later annulled by her parents who never really have the discuss the matter much publicly since her death.

R. Kelly, Aaliyah marriage license
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