
Big Pun

I remember when I picked up the news paper and read the cover story. “Rapper Big Pun Dead” I was shocked. When I went on to read the cause of death I was saddened. When I went on to see the video of him pistol whipping his wife I was disturbed.

We find icons to never be as perfect as we’d imagine. Understanding that it is unfair for us to expect perfection from a human being we accept these flaws however numerous as the contradiction of man. Despite all these fatal flaws Big Pun was an icon in Hip Hop and the Latin Community. It’s been 8 years, so here are a few gems in my opinion.

This is the one that set it off… Rap was dare say… FUN!

[youtube UDPrzwNBV3I]

and the follow up that put him on the map

[youtube DwEqTbaFVXU] This is the one that showed Pun was a Muffuggin Problem.. had everyone sayin DeadInThemiddleofLittleItaly.. classic

[youtube NBr1ulpsS_g]

This one made you think we’d be hearing from Terror Squad via Pun for YEARS to come

[youtube fSxhRpmi6OQ]

THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE. I mean… Fuck what you heard.. This shit is STILL HEAT (this version is missin the third verse.. but got some exclusive bars not heard on the original)

[youtube oAB6MkJ1src]

And.. last but not least. Back when Cam, Pun, Nore n Canibus could be mentioned in top ten breath… PUN Ripped This shit apart. Fantastic 4.

[youtube v07rdsLGnV0]

R.I.P. Pun Also here is a new Tribute from Cuban.

  1. Did they.. i never saw it before.. I saw the documentary when they dropped it in the BX too.. crazy shit..

    pieces of a man.. with the good comes the bad.

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