Et tu, Ben? HUD secretary Ben Carson latest Trump adviser to test positive for Covid-19

Ben Carson
Tampa, FL: HUD Secretary Ben Carson speaks to the media after touring the Encore urban renewal project in downtown Tampa, June 19, 2020. Friday.
Ben Carson with wife, Candy Carson
Waterford Township, Mich: Bare-faced HUD Secretary Ben Carson and his wife Candy take the stage at a Trump campaign rally at Oakland County International Airport as cases of Covid-19 rise nationwide, Friday, Oct. 30, 2020. Jose Juarez / AP
Add Department of Housing and Urban Development secretary Ben Carson to the list of Donald Trump’s staff and affiliates who have tested positive for Covid-19.

It’s not known when Carson contracted the virus. He attended a Trump election night party days earlier. He was also spotted, without a mask, at a campaign rally in Michigan on October 30th.

Carson’s diagnosis comes on the heels of the announcement by drug maker, Pfizer, that it has produced a vaccine for the virus that has shown to be over 90% effective in test subjects.

In making it’s announcement Pfizer made it clear that the Trump administration had nothing to do with the making or funding of the vaccine, despite claims to the contrary by the administration.

Pfizer is awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration before the drug can be released to the public. The vaccine will be free for anyone who wants it.

Meanwhile, President-elect Joe Biden revealed his COVID-19 advisory committee on Monday. He encouraged Americans to wear masks to save lives, a big departure from the messaging pushed by the current administration since the start of the pandemic. “So please, I implore you, wear a mask, do it for yourself, do it for your neighbor. A mask is not a political statement, but it is a good way to start pulling the country together.”

Carson is just the latest Trump staffer or advisor to have contracted the virus. Chief of staff Mark Meadows, campaign aide David Bossie, White House security official Crede Bailey, senior adviser Stephen Miller, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, adviser Kellyanne Conway, White House communications aides Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt, adviser Chris Christie, senior adviser Hope Hicks, White House aide Nick Luna, campaign manager Bill Stepien, two members of housekeeping staff, Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, son Barron Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and Trump himself have all contracted the COVID-19.

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